Saturday, December 5, 2009

JC (12/05)- Deadlift, Squat

Hey Guys,
Came in feeling slightly hungry, and mad as hell.
Here it goes:

Warm up:
135, 185- 1x5
225- 1x3
275- 1x2
320- 3x5

These didn't feel too bad- still have problems arching my back. Also, I started using the "hook" grip for deadlifts. Thumbs hurt like hell, but I don't want to use over-under grip because I want to be an Olympic weightlifter, and the O-U grip isn't used when performing Olympic lifts.

Warm up:
45, 95, 135- 1x5
185- 1x4
225- 1x2
260- 3x5

Squats felt pretty good. I'm feeling more and more confident about them, and I keep consistently adding weight to my workset every workout, which is a good thing right?

Ab roller- 5x5

I'm starting to feel better about my lifts overall, obviously still room for lots of improvement, but you have the appreciate the little things too. Also, I'm going to start incorporating Olympic lifts ASAP into my workouts (there's no way I'm going to become an Olympic lifter if I dont start doing the actual lifts on a regular basis.) And if you were wondering why I want to be an Olympic lifter, competing in the Olympics has always been a dream of mine and I feel Olympic weightlifting is the way to go.


  1. You know there is an oly gym around boston. I actually also know a dude who oly lifts and is a frosh here at MIT. He was repping 300+ on a front squat. I'll ask him about some training for you. Vasily Alexeyev was an awesome oly lifter!

  2. My friend competes in oly, and he only uses hook grip for max oly attempts. He uses straps overhand for his volume work. But if you are just adjusting to the hook, then its not a bad idea to use it, I guess. Just keep an eye out for injuries to your thumbs. If they don't heal a couple days after, its time to use straps or over-under.

  3. @ Aaron: Thanks a bunch dude, Id be glad to talk to this to your friend about Oly training. Btw, I have yet to meet you man.

    @Nathan: Ill make sure to keep an eye out for thumb injuries. Thanks a bunch Nathan.

  4. If you really want to be a Olympic lifter, then definitely find a good coach ASAP. Training for Olympic lifting is also quite a bit different from training for powerlifting, I think, so I would start poking around to see what programs are available.

    There are still some things we can still help with that you will need to learn for Olympic lifting: Olympic-style squats (high bar, ATG...sorry Aaron), front squats, and overhead squats come to mind. The rest you'll kind of have to figure out yourself, though meeting up with Aaron's friend is probably a good idea too.

  5. You guys train a little too late in the day for me to hang with you all at the moment. I'll definitely train with you guys when Beast Mode is turned on, but right now I have to recover and study. I really can't introduce myself as "the skinny guy who is doing cardio and wrist curls but wants to be a powerlifter."
