Saturday, December 5, 2009

Frank (12/5): RTS Intensity, ME Deadlift

Came into the gym feeling just OK. Let's say 6.5/10. Still, I'm satisfied with the results.

Belt on
1x525 (PR + 5)
1x545 (PR + 25)
I was a little worried since the 455 and 495 felt a little heavy, but 525 felt pretty good, and I was happy to pull 545, which was my main goal for today. I almost had the first 565 as well. I got it to my knee, then I must have let the bar drift forward about half an inch, which made me drop it. The second attempt didn't leave the floor.

Low-Bar Olympic Squat: 3x8@235
My back was feeling a little twingy, and this was the last day of intensity, so I figured some back-off was warranted.

Dragon Flags: 3x5
I've never tried these before. I don't think I'm doing them correctly since my waist is bending a little too much.

With this deadlift, that makes my gym total 405/295/545 = 1245, which is 70lbs over my old total (Elite at 165 is 1298, Masters at 181 is 1279). Not bad for a little over three months of work. Next cycle, I need to focus a lot on my squat and bench. My bench technique has gotten much worse, and I think that there are some easy gains to be had in squats.

I'm probably going to take tomorrow off or make it ultra-light. Next Tuesday should be the start of another cycle of RTS volume.

My back is going to kill me tomorrow...


  1. Nice PR!
    Frank, you continue to amaze us all.
    Out of curiosity do you think the 6-7 lb weight loss required to get you down to 165 will hurt your total? It's not like theres a lot of fat or water weight that you can lose...

  2. It was awesome seeing you do pull of your PR man, inspires me even more to push myself.

  3. Thanks guys.

    @Shanker: I'm not sure. I've never tried cutting weight before, and I am pretty lean, but my understanding is that making weight is mainly about water weight. Still, I'm not likely to do this until I can be sure to hit elite at 165. By then, I should hopefully be a little heavier, making this a moot point.

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