Friday, December 4, 2009

Aaron 12/4/09

One Legged Deadlifts

Bulgarian DB Split Squats
100lbs x5 reps x2 sets

Rotator cuff stuff, light as hell DB bench press, overhead presses, rows, YWTLs, face pulls.

Grip Work
Plate Pinches 78lbs x10s x3 times
Wrist Curls + Reverse Wrist Curls

Foam Rolling

So I thought I re-injured my groin, or got a hernia right after my split squats...I foam rolled, and as I'm writing this I feel better (nothing serious). I've been icing my shoulder, and it feels much better. However, heavy face pulls hurt. I think i hurt my supraspinatus/rotator cuff, because side shoulder flys hurt on the way down. I also put Grip work in bold, because its something I'm going to take seriously now. It will be my deload/injury work. I have finals in 10 days, so I can't go heavy and use up my energy recovering, so grip work/rehab will fit perfectly along with some sled dragging. Onwards to tearing a phone book in half!!!


  1. Hey Aaron, can you tell the name of your friend? The one that does Oly weightlifting?

  2. His name's Mike. Honestly I actually met him once, but Justin got his number, and he's gonna train Friday. Hopefully we can find out what time he's gonna train (hint hint Justin...) and talk to him. There is another guy named Gautam. I think Frank knows him too. He's there Early Sundays, like 12ish. I don't know his status, but I know for sure Mike is top quality. I haven't forgot man, don't worry.

  3. Haha, I'm not worried, I trust you'll come through. I've actually met Gautam, so yeah. Alright, I'll stay posted- good luck with your studies, cuz I know I do haha.

  4. If he's talking about Mike Carbin, a lot of us know him and he works on my floor.

    For some reason I thought I had to say that.

  5. Oh yes, Mike and Gautam (sp?). They're good guys. I think Mike is still an author on this blog, though he hasn't posted in a while. I haven't seen Gautam in ages though. Good to see he's still training =).
