Thursday, December 3, 2009

Shanker 12/03: GVT3 Upper 1 Cycle 2

Jog 1/2 mile
Dynamic stretches
DB Cleans 12x12
Band pulldowns ShittyRedBandx24x2
BP 45x10x2; 95x10; 135x8; 155x6; 185x5

BP (2-3 min breaks)
1) 205x4
2) 200x4
3) 200x4
4) 200x4
5) 200x4

DB Row (no straps, 2-3 min breaks)
1) 110x12
2) 110x12
3) 110x14
4) 110x16
5) 110x16

Standing Military (2-3 min breaks)
1) 45x10
2) 110x4
3) 110x4
4) 110x4
5) 110x4
6) 110x4

1) BW+15x9
2) BW+15x9
3) BW+15x9
4) BW+15x9
5) BW+15x9

Russian Barbell Twist 25x18x2
Kneeling Cable Crunch 190x24x2

A Personal Note:
I don't know about everyone else here, but for the first time I feel like I'm approaching things the right way. This seems to be one of those rare times where strength and size increases steadily, where my diet and my rest balances my lifting, where my form keeps improving and most of all, where I feel better and healthier every week. Honestly, I owe it two people: Without Danny and Rene I'd still be dumbbell chest pressing 90 lb dumbbells at 165...never getting any better, just staying put. It's a goddamn pain in the ass to realize you're doing things wrong, but without those two I'd never have come close. It sucks to get hurt, but if you're hurt chances are you're screwing up somewhere. I know I was, and it took me months of Danny shaking his head and frustrating the hell out of me for me to realize it. But now that I'm here (and still nowhere near doing things right or anywhere near where I want to be) I couldn't be happier. Thanks guys, I hope it lasts.


  1. Glad to hear it. Keep up the hard work and train smart.


    -- DB rows: I think that you are approaching 120, but maybe wait until 110 goes up for 20 reps on a consistent basis (like >= 3 out of 5 sets, and not only one workout). Don't start using straps here.

    -- This thing is NOT a suggestion, just something to check. You seem to be doing abdominal exercises every workout (4 times per week). I'm not saying that this is wrong, but maybe try to limit it to lower body workouts. Explanation: There are chances that your abs are not fully recovered between SQ/DL sessions, and in your case the limiting factor in SQ/DL looks more like leg strength than "core" stuff.


    I'm happy that I was able to help, and every once in a while still helping (electronically). There is a good sentence above, saying that you are still not doing things 100% right and that the final goal is still very far. But like people say: training is evolution, not revolution. Keep what's working, make small changes, after hearing what other people have to say, and be patience. I can definitely see you with a (raw) master total in 2-3 years (1279 @ 181).
