Monday, December 21, 2009

Gordon: 12/21/09 Squat day

I thought I would try for a squat PR today, since I'm flying home to Cali tomorrow for 2 weeks and won't have stable training while I'm gymless. Weight is 171.

Squat: 2@315; 1@365; 1@405; 1@425 (PR+10); 5@315; 10@225

405 and 425 were below parallel according to Becca, but it's her first time judging depth so... (<.<) (>.>) 425 also took about FOREVER (3-4 seconds out of the hole) to lock out and there was definitely some goodmorning-ing.

405 and 425 still feel like a ton on my back when I unrack it. I'm wobbly when I walk it out and set it up too. Sometimes I'm scared I'll misstep and it'll crush me, but then I remember no one's ever died this way (hopefully?) and I feel better. I tried to do some rep work after, but I was too tired.

Press: 3x5@135 (ok)


  1. I'm offended you don't trust my depth judgment! =P
    And there wasn't just SOME goodmorning-ing... there was HELLA goodmorning-ing. Sorry, Gwoarrdon.
    Congratulations on your PR!!!!! I wish we could see your head when you're PR-ing on squats though...

  2. Nice job on the PR! I may have asked you this before, but what part of CA do you come from?

    I have the same problem when unracking heavy weights. When trying the 405 and failed 425 last time, I almost felt like my legs were going to snap when I took a step back. I think I may spend some time on squat walkouts (just unracking a heavy weight and standing there). That might help.

    Also, I'm not too well versed in Eastern emoticons. ^_^ and O_o and +_+ I know...what is (<.<) (>.>), a pair of breasts?

  3. Becca: You can't see *anybody's* head from the side! The plates are in the way.

    Frank: Thanks man. I'm from Modesto, it's about 1 hr east of bay area.

    I thought about doing walkouts too... but then again that's never where we fail. Maybe 3-4 heavy singles around 385 would be better because then we get practice coming out of the hole too. I think I'll try that for an intensity day. Oh and <.< is like shifty eyes (I'm looking left and right cause I'm unsure)

  4. Walkouts with heavy weight (100% or more, but work up to it) is a good idea. But don't do it too often, its hard on the CNS.
