Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gordon: 12/14 & 12/15

Weight is still 170.

12/14/09 Random day that doesn't screw up the next volume day

2x3@135; 3@145; 3@155; 2@165; 1@175 (PR)
I wanted to see if I can press my own body weight since I'm such a lightweight now. 175 took about 10 seconds to lock out =/
Bench: 3x3@185; paused, worked on keeping arch through set.

12/15/09 Volume day

Squat: 5x5@350 (slow, ~40% above parallel)
Thanks to Shanker taping there's videos:
Set 4
Set 5

I think only the first two reps of these two sets were at parallel, I need to squat deeper next time. Also, on the last few reps of the sets I'm 1) letting my knees shift back and 2) raising my hips faster than my chest, which leads to a half good morning and a slower bar path. Will go up in weight until it's uglier though.

Rack pull: 2x4@315; 3x4@365; 4@405 (ok, sumo stance, from at knees)

1 comment:

  1. I think it's funny that we can't see your head at all in the videos. ^^
