Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shanker 12/15: GVT3 Lower 1 Cycle 3

Jog 1/2 mile
Dynamic Stretches

Squat (links to videos...4 minutes or so between working sets @ 285/290)
45x10; 135x10
1) 185x8
2) 225x6
3) 265x3
4) 290x3
5) 290x1 F lost balance back, then overcompensated forward...very ugly)
6) 285x3
7) 285x3
8) 290x3
9) 285x3

Conclusions thus far: my negative is good, however my lower back doesn't stay tight and my torso comes too far forward. Thus on the concentric portion, my hips pop up and back and my torso stays down and forward forcing me into good morning position.
KEY PROBLEM: It's very easy to say sit back further and keep your torso arched with chest up. For whatever reason, doing this, even with weight forces my center of gravity too far backwards and I fall back. At least in practice...
Ok, I've discussed this to death...rip away...

Leg Press (Knees In; 2 min breaks)
1) 6.5 plates x 3
2) 6.5 plates x 3
3) 6.5 plates x 3
4) 6.5 plates x 3
5) 6.5 plates x 3
6) 6.5 plates x 3

Box Squat (3-4 min breaks, links to videos)
1) 225x4
2) 245x3
3) 245x3
4) 245x3
5) 245x3
6) 245x3
7) 245x3

Hanging Windshield Wiper BWx24x2
Kneeling Cable Crunch 190x24

Special Treat: Gordon Squats!
Frank Squats!
Gordon Squats Again!


  1. Thanks for posting the vids.

    With a bigger picture, your set of 290x3 doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it did, but there are still a lot of problems with it (rounded back, chest caving, hips shooting up, to name a few). In my opinion, the only set that looked decent was your 185x8. You were already shooting your hips up in the 225x6 set, though your back was at least OK.

    I'm not sure how to help with your problem. I used to think I had this problem too, though to a lesser degree, until I brought my feet in and started squatting Gordon-style.

  2. -- You almost got killed in #4 (290 x 3). Crashing forward is not the right way to rack the bar. Should be exactly like unracking, only in rewind.

    -- Maybe it's time to change the way you squat, by moving to a narrower stance (heels at shoulder width), and sitting back LESS. I don't think that this will solve the falling forward phenomenon, but it's a better way to squat unequipped. Until last summer, I thought that a very wide squat is better regardless of equipment, but I was wrong. Just because it's easier for me, doesn't mean that it's the same for other people.

    -- I didn't see any box squats. These are just regular squats, with a box underneath. Did you upload the wrong files?
