Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Frank (12/15): RTS Volume, Squats, but not like Gordon =(

Back Squat
5x330 @ 8
5x330 @ 8
5x330 @ 8
5x330 @ 9
5x330 @ 9
I'm basically slightly below parallel when I feel like I'm sinking it really deep, which means that I need to adjust my personal cues a bit. In the last set, Shanker said reps 3 and 4 were a little high, while in set 4, all were good.

Deficit Deadlifts (~4.5")
5x415 @ 8
5x415 @ 8
5x415 @ 8
5x415 @ 8
5x415 @ 9
No set was particularly hard. I find that deficit deadlifts make me pull with the bar farther away from my body, so in a couple sets, I deliberately tried to keep the bar close, which resulted in an odd pulling pattern. I will try to start with my hips a little lower in the future so that I'm no longer just stiff-legging it.

Ab Rollout: 3x6

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention Nate kicking the damned bar while I was attempting to do ab rollouts. Sure, it made the set more intense, but Nate should be wary should he ever decide to do ab work in my presence again, especially with Swiss balls...he gave me some very intriguing "workout" ideas.

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