Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gordon: 12/08/09 Volume day

Haven't posted for a while since my workouts are always the same basically. Weight is still 170-172.

Squat: 5x5@345
RPE of 10 for each set, all reps were at or below parallel. Will reset when I can't make all the reps.

Chin ups: 8, 8, 5@ bw

Squats took me too long, so that was it for today ^_^


  1. Damn. I didn't realize you'd pulled that far ahead. Good work though.

  2. I saw the second set, it wasn't a 10. Man up, Gordon.

  3. Gordon -- unless blood vessels pop, skin color turns to purple (regardless of original color), and partially-digested big macs leave your stomach (regardless of direction), it's not a 10. Get used to being a squat machine.

  4. Haha Danny, it felt like a 10 because I don't think I could have done a 6th rep, and the 5th rep usually paused on the way up.

    I have switched from eating big macs to chicken nuggets. Perhaps this is why I'm not gaining weight.

  5. Pour olive oil on your nuggets and make a deal with yourself to eat all 100 of them oil covered nuggets. It took me from 185lbs to 200lbs in 3 days!!!!!
