Wednesday, December 9, 2009

JC (12/08)- Oly Training

Hey Guys,
So I finally decided to make the trip all the way to Excel Sports & Fitness in Waltham. It was a pain, considering I got lost in Brandeis and it was cold as heck.. but I got there.

Anyways, I immediately started practicing the lifts with primary coach Ben Fuller. I think I progressed pretty nicely, and I really enjoyed this tiring yet fruitful session. I know for a fact that Olympic Weightlifting is what I want to continue doing- I just feel exhilarated when performing the lifts.

I do feel bummed that bench pressing doesn't really help in Olympic lifts, considering it was my favorite of the three power lifts.

I'll be keeping you guys posted.


  1. That's cool. Was it the coaching free?

  2. Awesome. I do, at some point, want to take up Olympic lifting again. Maybe then, you can be my coach =).

    And yes, I knew that bench pressing was pretty useless for Olympic lifting, but I didn't want to burst your bubble so early...

  3. @ Aaron- so the first time you go you don't get charged. But after, its 125$ a month.

    @ Frank- Hahaha. Yeah man, maybe if I become any good I can be your coach. LOL. As for benching, I'll get over it...
