Sunday, November 7, 2010


Whomever owns this blog should get some AdSense adds going on.  Then someone could cash in on this motherfucker.  :)


  1. Eh, I don't think thats a great idea. You've already seen what type of passion topics like dieting and "beginner status" incites. Adding money into that equation would just asking for trouble.

  2. I for one don't mind where the money goes. It could go towards transportation to a meet or it could sponsor Shanker and Frank's meet fees, though I'd like it to go toward transportation so I can compete.

  3. I don't want to money, I'm just curious how much it might make.

  4. This is a good idea. We are on the front page for "RTS Notes" or something (Dee did the search). We could put the money in a fund for meet fees, first come first serve.

  5. Hm, interesting thought. I like the common fund idea. Still, I personally think that it's best if we keep money out of the equation for now.

    And don't worry, Garrett, we know you're not a greedy bastard. If you were, you wouldn't be studying biology :).

  6. First come first serve is too subjective, especially given the complete and total lack of consensus regarding which meets we should do and when and who exactly, "we" are.

    So here's the deal, let's implement this for 3 months. After this time period, where we have some idea for how much this type of thing generates, we can set a figure for a person to put toward 1 meet per year.

    I'll implement this and keep you all posted.

  7. Or not, let's wait to hear more opinions.

  8. I think it's a good idea. It doesn't cost us anything (as long as they aren't annoying), so why not? I think nate started this thing, right? If so just have him keep the money in a common fund and dish it out using the "common sense" rule. If anyone complains, oh well. That is, of course, if Nate wants such a lofty responsibility.

  9. Honestly, and I'm not saying this out of anything other than an objective view of the reality of the situation, one of two people should be in charge of this thing. Myself or Frank, since, at this point we are the ones who know everyone who contributes here.

    I'll do it if that's ok with everyone.

  10. Um... Slow down, Shanker. Don't appoint yourself treasurer, that looks shady. Let's see if we can force Frank -- he works for a hedge fund, after all.

  11. And FYI...I work for a goddamn bank.

  12. Just to clarify, I don't work for a hedge fund. I work for a bank. Some of our clients are hedge funds, but that's an entirely different thing...

    My final vote on this is that I'm not opposed to eventually putting up ads if people are OK with it, but now is not the time. I might be convinced otherwise, but let's take the rest of the discussion off the blog.

  13. And Shanker, no offense, but I think that your reaction is exactly why people are a little worried about giving you control of the as-of-yet-nonexistent treasury. We can talk about this more later (say tomorrow after work...I need to sleep now), but let's keep this civil.

  14. Do what you will. I mean the fact that this decision making discussion is even taking place when anyone with admin rights can pretty much just do it on their own is pretty much evidence enough to alleviate any concerns.

    The fact of the matter is, until we define exactly who the hell "we" are, this whole discussion is pretty meaningless.

    Beyond anything else, that's my point.

  15. @Aaron: Nice.

    Since no one else in the context of this conversation has even attempted to define this, I'll try: "WE" are current MIT students.

    Why? Because students typically have limited access to cash and having a communal fund should benefit them more than anyone else.

    It would also serve to foster interest in doing meets, which, of late, have fallen by the wayside as those of us who have done meets have seemingly decided to go through extended periods of pure training.

    I want Aaron to be able to go to his strongman meet regardless of the collective inertia of the group. Even if its just 5 bucks.

    The other thing is that this discussion is being help pretty much between an alum, a grad student and someone who's not even affiliated with MIT. I have a problem with that. And until we hear from Chris, JC and the rest of the actual MIT students who contribute here, I am of zero volition to do anything.

  16. Sorry for the late comment- since I can't discuss this with you guys in person, I have to do it here. I like the idea of having a fund to contribute towards meets, rides, etc. There.


  18. Alright. Message received. Do whatever the hell you want. At this point its a shit ton more grief than its worth.

    I did some quick research, its something like 5-10 cents a click, looking at the number of views we get here we'll be lucky to generate 5 bucks a month.

  19. If people want to do this, I'd be happy to set this stuff up. Also, if people are interested in getting more/analyzing traffic to the blog I can help with that too.
