Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chris - 12/8, 12/11

12/8, 5/3/1 Wave B; Squat, Bench

Squat (belted):
45x5; 95x5; 140x5; 175x5; 210x3
Eh. Not great. Not terrible.

Bench Press:
45x5; 65x5; 85x5; 100x3
More weight and more reps. My body is weird.

Bench Press (assistance):
135x6; 135x6; 135x6; 135x6
No comment.

Dips (unweighted):
12; 12; 12; 12

12/11, 5/3/1 Wave B: Military Press, Deadlift
Military Press:
45x5; 50x5; 60x5; 70x3

Deadlift (belted):
140x5; 180x5; 215x3
250x5 (whoops)

Military Press (assistance):
95x6; 90x7; 85x8; 80x9; 75x10

Deadlift (assistance):
280x5; 260x5; 240x5; 220x5; 200x5
Sped up the reps as weight decreased.


  1. 15 reps is stupid anyway. You're trying to get strong, right?

    14 is too.

  2. Without judging the tone of the above comment, I do feel it would have been more constructive to raise that objection when Chris first posted his plan for 5/3/1. That is, afterall, the purpose of writing a post on future plans. With all the kneejerking that goes on here, I feel bad no one took the time to give Chris this particular feedback when he first published his plan, as we always tell everyone they're supposed to do.

    That's on me too, I didn't say anything regarding his plan to take 90% of 95%. If I were Chris I'd probably thinking "You tell me this NOW?"

    But yea, at the end of the day, its probably time to ratchet up the intensity for your next cycle.

    And for what its worth, if you look at his previous posts, he's making progress...just sayin.

  3. Yup. Everything is good, but as others have mentioned you might want to bump it up 10 lbs instead of 5 the next cycle.

  4. Maybe even 15 lbs. Here's a good guideline: 1 rep = strength, 2 reps = hypertrophy, 3 reps = endurance.

  5. Rather than making adjustments with raw poundage, use your %'s. Since you started by taking 90% of 95%, reset by taking just 90% or even 95%.

    Also, Aaron, I don't know where you got that, but that's just wrong.

  6. The fewer reps you do, the better it is for strength.

    Therefore, on max day, you should just load up the bar, stare at it for a while getting psyched up sufficiently, and then unload it. You can't do fewer than zero reps.

  7. Unless you pull a "Shanker" ca 2008 where you DL 125% of your true max with horrible form and disable yourself for 4 months. This is 425x -2.

  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^super secret bulgarian training method. They trained heavy 2x a day every week all the time for 10hrs a day. Per week.

  9. **ONLY FOR VERY ADVANCED LIFTERS** Once you have done the 'no rep' method for several cycles, you can proceed to the next level. This is where you start to make stories about lifting very heavy weights, but you don't have to go the gym at all. Preferably, to maximize gains, the stories should occur at very 'hardcore' gyms.

    This is referred to as the 'Danny method.'

  10. @Nate: I'll let my lifting do the talk, with a >=800kg raw total this upcoming year. Till then, I won't write a single word in this blog or in any other related place.

    @Everyone else: Bye for now.

  11. ^^^^^^^^Nooooooooooo!!! Danny has awesome stories...

  12. Danny!!! I was joking! Poking you in the ribs, and all that. :)

    I want to hear more from you, if anything!

    <3 <3 <3 Don't go anywhere. <3 <3 <3

  13. For what its worth, here's a personal note:
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, the person who is responsible for getting me into powerlifting is Danny. The reason I post on this blog is so that I can HIS feedback more than anyone else's (sorry guys, it's true. deal with it). Before I make any changes to my plans or routines I talk to him. Some of you who have not met him (and maybe some of you have, I don't know) may not realize what a wealth of knowledge he is. And if you don't, it's your loss. Those of you who weren't here 2 years ago don't know how long Danny would stay in the gym after he had finished his sessions to critique and help us. It's a lot more than just "stories" or cool rhymes and anecdotes. Maybe that doesn't mean anything to some of you, but it means something to me. And regardless of whether or not Danny continues to have a presence on this blog I'm still going to go to him for any and all advice that I need, and I know I'll be better off because of it.
