Saturday, December 12, 2009

Frank (12/12): RTS Volume, Deadlifts

I had a slight headache before coming to the gym (unrelated to gym stuff), so I took 200mg of ibuprofen. This means that the numbers below are not "drug free" numbers...


Deadlift (belted)
5x428 @ 8
5x428 @ 8
5x428 @ 8
5x428 @ 9
5x428 @ 9
These felt pretty easy overall, though the last few sets were starting to slow down a bit. I'm actually not sure whether I was pulling 428 or 433, but whatever. This is my last serious deadlift workout of the year anyway since I don't have enough weights at home, only a 300lb set.

Pause Squat (no belt, ~2-2.5s depending on who was counting)
4x255 @ 8
4x255 @ 8
4x255 @ 8
4x255 @ 8
4x255 @ 8
6x255 @ 9
Rene didn't believe me when I said the second set was an RPE of 8, so I did 6 on the last set just to show him. This probably means I can bump up the weight a bit on these too.

Power Cleans
Full clean: 1x110kg
Brian and JC inspired me to do some cleans again, so I did these just to see if I still got it.

I still got it =).

Ab Pulldown: 3x15 @ 190


  1. Glad to have inspired you, haha. I'm hating myself right now for not working out, but I guess it'll be worth it when I do well in my finals.

  2. Well, you have to prioritize. Ideally, you should be able to schedule things so you can study and train at the same time, but if something's got to go, then putting academics first isn't a bad idea.

  3. How cool! I'm going to take ibuprofen on all my max attempt days from now on!

  4. I wish I had a video of Frank's powercleans to post on here, because they are absolutely perfect (as far as I can tell anyway).
