Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shanker GVT 3: 12/12 Upper 1 Cycle 3

Today was a 4K day. Just thought I'd share, I assume most of you know what that means by now.

Jog 1 mile
Dynamic Stretching
Dumbbell Cleans
BP 45x10; 95x10; 135x8; 155x6; 185x4

Bench Press (3-4 min. breaks, links to videos)
I'm particularly interested in hearing Danny's thoughts on my form. I can see a little bit of a flare, but, if I may say so my arch pretty good and yes, my ass is on the seat unless you see a significant upward twitch in my hips. One thing I'm also curious to know is if anyone thinks my legs are too deep. I find my best leg drive is from a tip toe stance, but sometimes I feel like I can drive them too far back.
1) 215x3
2) 215x3
3) 215x3
4) 215x2
5) 215x2 (thank god for safety's)

Dumbbell Rows (2-3 min breaks)
1) 100x24
2) 100x24
3) 100x24
4) 100x24
5) 100x24
Really, really hard. I put on a wrist wrap to stave off bruises, but otherwise these were done without assistance. So I guess this means my grip has reached a modicum of respectability.

Standing Military (2-3 min)
1) 115x3
2) 115x3
3) 115x3
4) 115x3
5) 115x6

Chinup (2-3 min)
1) BWx10
2) BWx10
3) BWx10
4) BWx10
5) BWx10
Too burned out from rows to even attempt to make the weight progression prescribed in the program. These should be labeled as "fake chins" as all form was shot to shit by this time.


  1. oh man, #5 was scary. When you dump the bar in bench presses, always do it forward, not towards your head. I assume that 4k means 4000 calories (= starvation mode in Dannyville).

    Anyway, this looks like a good setup, with very good arch. From this angle, it seems that your feet are indeed too far back, so try moving them a few inches forward (but not a lot). In general, feet below give more arch but less leg drive, and feet forward (and flat) do the opposite. Also, I can't say anything definite about the elbows, because from the side it's difficult to see if you're flaring too early or not. Also difficult to notice if you are pressing the thighs into the bench (from the side).

    24 reps of DB rows with 100, no straps, is very nice. This gives me a great idea, and I'll try doing 100 x 100 tomorrow (technically, we have 45kg, not 100lbs).

  2. If I were there, I imagine I would have been worried, but since I know you're OK, I just have to say it's pretty amusing watching you dump the bar and flail around. What was your spotter doing?

    I have nothing else constructive to add that Danny hasn't already said. I assume 4K means you ran roughly 2.5 miles.


  3. I think the problem is that when you set up you're so far away from the rack that your spotter has no leverage to pick up the bar if you fail really hard and need a ton of assistance. You should try to set up a little closer to the rack so that the spotter can actually help you when you need it, rather than be forced to pull it back over your head.
