Friday, November 27, 2009

Shanker 11/23: GVT3 Lower 2 Cycle 1

Jog 1/2 mile
Dynamic stretches: Cat/Camel; Fire Hydrants; Mountain Climbers, etc...
DL 135x10; 225x8; 275x5; 315x5

Deadlift (2-3 min breaks; hyperlinks to videos)
1) 350x5
2) 350x5
3) 350x5
4) 350x5
5) 350x5
Felt pretty good, I still feel like I'm pulling up instead of back and I'm not so sure about the rounding on some of these sets. I also think I need to start driving my hips forward a bit sooner, perhaps just after the bar passes my knees. But I do feel like I'm making progress in keeping my hips from shooting up.

Good Morning
1) 185x5
2) 155x5
Original plan called for 5-6 sets of GM's, but after two sets, this was just too taxing on the lower back, so I switched to lunges. I'll incorporate GM's into Lower 1 (squats, etc...)

Lunge (2-3 min breaks)
1) 185x5
2) 185x5
3) 185x5
4) 185x5

Deficit Deadlift (2-3 min breaks; hyperlinks to videos)
1) 225x5
2) 275x1
3) 225x5
4) 225x5
5) 225x5
6) 225x5
7) 225x5
Thought I could hit 5x5 @ 275, but after attempting the first set, my lower back just didn't have enough to keep my hips down as I'm driving through my legs. Went back down to 225 which I think was a pretty good weight. Curious to hear any remarks about the comparison in form between the 1 rep at 275 and other sets at 225, since the goal here is build lower back strength at the bottom of the rep.

HangingWindshield Wiper BWx12
Reverse Crunch + Leg Raise BWx24


  1. It doesn't look like your hips are shooting up anymore. This is good. Your back is rounding a bit on the last two sets (I didn't look at the first three), but nothing horrendous.

    Why do you need to pull back instead of up? I used to use the "pulling back" instead of "up" cue, but I found it to be a poor signal. I can't see anything wrong with your timing of the hip drive (when you start straightening your back).

    Your 225 sets looked fine, though I usually start with my hips a little higher on deficit deadlifts. Then again, I start with my hips higher regardless. For safety I would also recommend not using the aerobic step and not using shoes. The step won't be strong enough if you get any stronger on deficit deadlifts, which you will, and the shoe removal is mainly for squishy/slanted heel control, not height.

  2. Thanks Frank. When I'm back at MIT I'll use the olympic plates like you do, we just don't have any here.

  3. Deadlifts: Most reps look very good, but some don't (hips going up but not by much, and slight rounding of lower back). The common theme in all bad reps: You don't look forward and push chest out.

    GM: Take 5 minutes to rest after deadlifts, and then start with 135 x 5, not with 185. If that feels too light, increase to 145, 155, ... If you are doing a true GM, it makes sense that 185 x 5 feels heavy (on lower back or whatever) after deadlifts, for someone whose squat is 265 x 5.

    Deadlift from height: This is NOT the place to go heavy. Also don't use the plastic step. People can die from this thing, or even worse -- get injured. 225 looks like a good weight to use here.
