Friday, November 27, 2009

JC (11/26)- Bench, Military Press

Hey Guys,
This workout I felt much better, although I still had remnants of my terrible cold.

Bench Press-
Warm-up- 45, 95, 135, 185- 1x5
225- 1x3
275- 1x2

Work set-
300 @8.5- 1x2
300 @9.0- 1x2
300@ 9.5- 1x2- Couldn't complete the second rep on my own
300@ 10 - 1x2- See above.

Military Press-
Warm up- 45, 95 - 1x5
Work set-
~137.5- 5x5

Seated Rows-
180- 4x8

Pretty good workout I feel, although Im not sure If I should try another 4x2 on the bench next time or If I should try singles... Ideas anyone?

Also , I'm also going to start incorporating military presses on a 5x5 schedule (which I believe is what helped me increase my bench in such a short amount of time) each time I do bench- Im sore as heck but I definitely feel I could benefit from this exercise- besides, I want get to 225 as soon as possible so that I can start focusing on breaking 300...


  1. I believe Thursdays are lockout work. Check out Nate's RTS notes in the sidebar. I think you have the same problem as I do with respect to gauging RPEs, but I'm sure we'll get better as we go through more cycles.

    Here's what I have you doing so you can see it all in one place if I'm not around. I've put some brief reasoning for my choice below, if anyone else wants to comment, and please do if you feel I'm doing anything wrong.

    Saturday: Squat 5x5, Deadlift 1x5, Abs
    Sunday: RTS Bench
    Tuesday: Squat 5x5, Deadlift 1x5, Abs
    Thursday: RTS Lockout

    Squats and deadifts follow simple progressive overload, meaning you try to increase your previous work set by 5-10lbs per session. RTS workouts follow RTS protocols.

    My reasoning is that your squat and deadlift are closer to the novice stage, so you can benefit from fairly quick progression using session-to-session increases a la Starting Strength, as long as you keep good form (get Gordon, Rene, or Nate to check if I'm not around and if they have the time). If you find your technique breaking down, it may be worth it to spend a session to work on it so that bad habits are carried over to higher weights. One session, at this speed of progression, is not going to set you back by much.

    Your bench is already among the strongest of all of us, so some more advanced techniques can be used, hence RTS.

  2. I understand the reasoning above, but maybe distribute the effort between squats and deadlifts and also switch the order between workouts, like:
    -- Saturday: Squat 3-4 sets x 5 reps, Deadlift 3 sets x 5 reps, Abs
    -- Tuesday: Deadlift 3-4 sets x 5 reps, Squat 3 sets x 5 reps, Abs

  3. That sounds like a better plan, and probably explains why JC's squats are so much better than his deadlifts. We'll do that going forward.
