Thursday, November 26, 2009

JC (11/24)- Squats, Deadlifts

Hey Guys,
So I entered this workout feeling like ass, and I left feeling like crap. I suppose having a pretty bad cold does not help when it comes to lifting weights. So here it goes:

45, 95, 135, 185, 225- 1x5
Work set:
250- 5x5
The last set was absolutely the worst one, and on my very last rep my left leg basically gave out on me, so I was not too happy about that. Also, I need to make sure I don't forget to stick out my chest as I squat.

135, 185- 1x5
225- 1x3
275- 1x2
Work set:
325 - Goal was to do 1x5, but I failed on my second rep. I gave myself some rest and then did two more reps. More rest... one more rep, and my last rep... well let's say it was not in good form, my back was totally rounded and I have NO idea what I was doing with my hips...

Ab Pulldowns @ 200lbs- 3x15

I feel that my lower back aches a whole lot after squatting, and I think this affects my deadlift tremendously. I generally feel pretty good about squatting when I do deadlifts first, probably because I am not as tired out after doing my deadlift workout. Im not sure if I should just start doing deadlifts before squats from now on. It may have also been the fact that I was not fully focused this work out, I felt lightheaded and nauseous the entire time... I feel this was one of the "bad" workouts...


  1. My back can be very fatigued after squats if I let my form deteriorate (i.e. my chest caves, and my lower back rounds). We'll pay more attention to it next time around.

    If you're really feeling crappy, sometimes it's best to just avoid heavy weights and focus on technique for while.

  2. JC -- If you are feeling really bad, most lifters will agree that you need a day off, or even more. This is in contrast to feeling slightly tired, maybe some accumulated fatigue, etc, in which case taking a day off may not be necessary (experience is important here).

    Even on a bad day, the deadlift part of this workout looks like bad planning. But without RPEs on 225 and 275 (or just more detailed description), there is no way to say this for sure. Example:
    1. 225 x 3 reps @ 7 --> 275 x 2 reps @ 7 --> 325 x what happened: maybe something just got fucked up.
    2. 225 x 3 reps @ 8 --> 275 x 2 reps @ 9 --> 325 x what happened: totally expected.

  3. Yeah, I just think things were not going well for me this day. The 225 and 275 felt relatively easy- I think its just that by the time I got to 325 I was extremely worn out- and my mental state messed me up as well. I'm going to start being more descriptive in terms of RPE's. Thanks.
