Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We have a deload/transition week, which means doing some volume without killing us on it. We will also replace the second exercise by some fun movement in order to reduce stress.

275x4 @8
275x4 @8
295x4 @9
295x4 @9
295x4 @9
295x4 @9

Stair jumps: numerous

Good mornings:

Some abs, then sauna.

There was a long debate tonight about squat depth.

Basically, strict voices from Gordon considered this one _at_ parallel; I see it as slightly below (note that the pic is shot from slightly above, which we should correct in the future):

In comparison, the IPF/USAPL rule:

or in words:

"Upon receiving the Chief Referees signal, the lifter must bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint are lower than the top of the knees."

I suggest to the interested among us to spent a few minutes here:

This will be the standard that I want to use as a basis for my squats. Feel free to chime in with suggestion as to where to place the red lines, also feel encouraged to post your own pics.


  1. From Rene's picture, I would agree that rep was below parallel. At the time I thought it was at parallel. I think I also said I would white light that rep.

    What I use to judge squats is Mark Rippetoe's idea from Starting Strength: "In the full squat, the anterior surface of the thigh at the hip (A) must be lower than the top of the knees (B)"

    Illustrated here:

    It is what would be called a legal squat, according to my interpretation of the rules Rene posted. It is also what I call "below parallel".

    In the end, my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt, because I do think I judge squat depth more harshly than others, and I'm also a beginner who's never competed before. Personally, I prefer to squat slightly below parallel, to be safe.

  2. -- Depth looks good to me. Parallel, and not below. However, no one said that the photo was taken at exactly the bottom. If you miss it by even 5 x 10^{-20} seconds, Rene is already near lockout (or already on the safety bars, depending on weight).

    -- Gordon, you don't have to explain yourself. Now that Nate is lifting in jeans, you captured the #1 spot on the squat list. Just say something, and let others think why it's true.

  3. At least no one's used the term "ass to grass". Every time I lay on my bed I think, "time to nap 'face to pillow'".
