Friday, November 27, 2009

Aaron 11/27

  • Front Squat

One Arm DB Press
50lbs x2
55lbs x2
60lbs x2
65lbs x2
70lbs x1

So this morning as I was stretching my shoulder, it starting hurting like hell. I guess I re-injured it. I'm never going to do broomstick/band stretches DC style again, and it sucks that my back is awkward, my groin is still funky, and my shoulder is back in intense recovery. I haven't benched in 25 days, squatted heavy in 20 days, and deadlifted heavy in 14 days. You can imagine how I feel. There isn't much left to say except, avoid injury at all costs. I haven't had a real workout in a month...

On that note...



  1. WTF?

    Anyway, I find that when I'm injured, the most important thing to do is to *not keep getting injured,* meaning rest. This does allow for light rehab work. Shoulder dislocations with a broomstick may be too much.

    It also seems a little strange to me that you're so heavily injured so early in your training career. You're also really young. Perhaps you were pushing the weights a little too aggressively at the beginning or not using proper technique, or maybe a combination of the two.

  2. Yes, Matt Rhodes is one funny guy. This was the original inspiration for the creation of Dannyville.

    Anyway, you need to reboot:

    -- Take some time off (like a week or so) without training at all.

    -- If one of these injuries is not very minor, go see a doctor. I mean a medical doctor, so Rene doesn't count.

    -- Determine long and short term goals, followed with a concrete plan. Also get this "approved" by talking to more advanced lifters, or if you can find them, with experts.

    -- Start every workout with some light cardio, light stretching, GPP, whatever helps you to perform better and not get injured.

    -- Always work on improving technique. This can be done only with Frank, Rene, Nate, ... watching and commenting.

    -- Don't turn workouts to competitions (gym lifts don't mean shit), don't try to impress others (who fucking cares?), don't be "hardcore" in the wrong way (sometimes hardcore = stupid), and generally stick to the plan.

  3. Thanks, I guess I'll have to take a week off. I'll just do sled dragging and will see what will happen from there.
