Friday, November 27, 2009

Extraneous Posts

Ok, so since I got barbecued over the summer for posting dietary info...I think we should keep posts to lifting logs. It's already pretty cluttered with all our different programs.
-The original Douchebag.


  1. Agreed. I edited the post slightly and, because I have nothing better to do right now, added the link to the original article. Plus, maybe I'm just dense, but I don't actually get most of the humor behind that list...

  2. I agree, but I don't see the extraneous posts.

  3. Aaron had originally included the entire Rhodestown list in his post, which ended up taking about half of the vertical space on the main page. I edited the post to include just the link.

  4. Okidoki, thanks. I agree that we should try to keep this blog clean; i.e., restricting ourselves to objectives of the the day, number of lifts, comments on how the training went, questions, or motivating video clips, form checks, and the like. Anything that helps other lifters to understand what is going on.

    Shanker is right, we are many posters by now and screen estate is sparse. Let's all be aware of this; and yes, there is space enough in the "comments" section of each posting.

    See you later at the gym, I will be there tonight for honing my bench technique.
