Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kik - 11/20/2009 - Cardio and restaurative methods

Dedicated another 35 minutes of my life to the most boring activity in the world: Elliptical. However, this time there was a hot chick with a toned back and incredibly muscular glutes and thighs. I was so close to asking her to come home with me to see my stamp collection, but then it occurred to me that I need to re-sort the stamps again, and I did not want to disappoint her with with my stamps not nicely aligned in their albums.

- Elliptical 35 mins (15 medium high intensity, 20 medium to low int.)
- Stretching
- Foam rolling
- Abs
- Sauna
- Contrast showers


  1. I think this blog is too adult for me.

    And what are contrast showers?

  2. contrast showers are another form of cardio involving a lot of power breathing and the occasional jump or too.

  3. @Aaron: Hah!

    @Becca: It's actually an alternating hot/cold shower that is supposedly good for recovery (e.g. from soreness), and despite what Aaron says, it's only homoerotic if Rene is involved.

  4. If the stamps are metaphor for something else, I didn't get it. If they are not a metaphor, then I also didn't get it.
