Friday, November 20, 2009

Aaron 11/20 Help with GM form

225lbs x3 reps x2 sets
135lbs x5 reps

Bulgarian-ish (barbell) split squats
95lbs x10

Neutral Grip Pull-ups

Hise Surgs

Good Mornings made my back feel weird, like an injury waiting to happen, I have to fix form and go down in weight...I just wanted to hit 225. Surgs were decent, haven't done them before, didn't know what to expect. BSS were hard as hell, I felt my heart rate sky rocket...and neutral chins, supposedly the strongest grip, were weak as hell. I guess that means I'm gaining weight...I need a scale.

I also worked on bench technique, so I did bar and 95lbs. I focused on staying tight, having weight on my traps, pulling in shoulders, driving heels to the floor, flexing butt, and bending the bar. All I can say is its really tough, but my shoulder didn't experience any pain!!! I'm gonna bench heavy this Sunday, 2 weeks for an injury is up.

For those who want to know what I did, light shoulder dislocations, using it as a stretch, pec streches, broom stick rotator cuff streches. I felt pain actually in my rear delt, so it might be a cuff injury, but when I mimic cuff motions there is no pain, but when I did band pull aparts, wham, no pain, but it was working the area where pain used to be.


  1. Blogspot uses HTML tags, not forum tags. Just FYI. I'll fix it for ya.

  2. As for your form, you have a lot of knee bending going on. Good mornings starting from the bottom are very tricky to set up. What you are doing looks more like a half squat than a true good morning, although there is always a gray area. Try using your quads to keep the knee somewhat straight throughout the movement. You want some bend in the knee (definitely not locked), but the flexion should be minimized during the lift.

  3. I think I just saw Dave Tate in this clip...

    Do you ever do "normal" good mornings? Maybe start with these first to improve your form and avoid injuries; then proceed to pin good mornings.

    I will try seated ones soon...

  4. Thanks for the help, also, that last sentence is the ugliest one I've ever made...I wonder how I wrote that...

  5. Sucks that you're injured. Do you do shoulder rehab/prehab stuff (YTWLs, wall slides, etc.)?

  6. Yeah, I thought I was home free, until I did good mornings yesterday, and the same pain came again. I think this is one of those cases where squatting or having the bar on your back is causing the pain, so I'm going to have to front squat for a while. It would be awesome if I could use a ssb, but the Z doesn't have one...
