Saturday, November 21, 2009

Aaron 11/20

Sled dragging 90lbs + sled weight
8 trips of about 90s. Hard as hell. Want to die, etc.

I want to make known one of my heroes. His best competition lifts are a 710 squat, 640 dead, 480 bench, and 340 strict overhead press at 225lbs. His name is Keith Wassung. You can find some of his articles here

I'm in the process of compiling all his articles I can find. He did it using mostly progressive overload (some instinctive periodization), working out 2x a week. He is also very intelligent.

Oh by the way, that's without drugs.


  1. ...and he worked out on a sub - which will trigger a lot of emotions among some of the readers here :-)

  2. I used to read his posts/articles back when I still visited T-Nation. I do enjoy his writing, though I find him to be a bit verbose sometimes. Still, he's brutally strong and has been through all stages of weakness to get there, and I respect that.
