Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Frank (11/2): Squat, Intensity 3

Back Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315, 1x365, 1x405
I lost this forward for some reason.
1x445 (PR + 5)
There we go. I got stuck about 1/3 of the way up.
I was a little bummed that I didn't get 455, which was my goal for this cycle, but I still managed to hit a small PR. I'll take what I can get.

Clean (kg)
2x70, 2x80, 2x90

Oly Squat: 4x8 @ 245
Ab Rollout: 3x6


  1. A PR is a PR Frank, I've learned that in the past couple of months... Congrats

  2. Also, if there's something I have really learned, is that small steps are the best steps. Why didn't you first try 450 after nailing 445?

  3. 455 is 4.5 plates. 450 is not 4.5 plates. This matters to me. :)

    Though seriously, if I think I can hit 455, then 445, 450, 455 is kind of a waste of energy. 445 was for the small PR (because I wasn't certain of 455). 455 was the real goal. The three attempts I made (ignoring the first 445...that was weird) were similar to what I would have tried at a meet.

    It's not like I'm devastated or anything. I think I can do better, though, so I'll be doing a postmortem of this cycle sometime during my deload week next week.

  4. Nice cleans Frank, is 105kg a PR? *waits for Frank to get the joke*

  5. Ahh, I didn't realize that 455 was 4.5 plates- I see what you mean. I'm like that too... Like I'm not satisfied until I hit 3.5 plates on bench, and 4 plates on squat, and then I wont be satisfied until I nail the subsequent benchmarks- a never ending cycle lol :)

  6. Not to nitpick, but 1/2 a plate would be 22.5...so not really sure why you're so hung up on the 25's =P

  7. nitpicker^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  8. I feel like this post should have the "asian squat gene" tag, because goddamn that's a sick lift. Congratulations dude.

  9. -- Nice PR Frank! I think that for a 6-7 week cycle, 10# PR is the best you can hope for at this stage, and 5# is also good. My logic: you can probably fit in 7 such cycles in a year, which means a 35# improvement.

    -- Justin, gym calculus is different from the one they teach at MIT. Half of 45 is 25 :)
