Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Frank (3/28): RTS, Volume 2, Deadlift

5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455, 1x495
2x535 @ 9+
2x535 @ 9
2x535 @ 9
2x535 @ 9+
2x535 @ 10
2x535 @ 10
These felt pretty heavy, but then again, I guess these are heavy. My form wasn't great on any of them.

Reverse Band Pause Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315, 1x365
2x405 @ 9
2x405 @ 9
2x405 @ 9+
2x405 @ 9+
Reverse band pause squats are stupid. Why don't I just do higher volume regular squats or good mornings or something and develop some proper strength? I have no good reason. I'm going to stop doing this lame excuse of an exercise.

Yes: 3x10 @ 110
No: 3x10 @ 130
Ab Rollout: 3x5

My wrists feel a little funky from falling off my bike. I'll use some tape for support for the next few training sessions.


  1. What was your initial reason for doing the reverse band pause squats?

  2. Well, it was something like: (1) I'm weak in the hole, so I need to do pause squats, and (2) I want to do more heavy work to get used to the feeling of heavy weights on my back. Since the top portion of a pause squat was just wasted effort, I figured I could use reverse bands to train the pause squat in the hole with lightish weight but load it up enough to do real work at the top.

    In practice, it just feels like a completely different movement, different enough that I have serious doubts about it being useful for squatting. Sometimes, training too many things at the same time is a bad idea. I think this is one of those times.
