Friday, March 16, 2012

Frank (3/16): Prowlin'

I have a sore throat again. WTF. I was just sick a few weeks ago.

Bench: 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x225
Cable Row: 8x200, 8x200
Dumbbell Curl: 6x50, 6x50

2 x 40yds x 0
2 x 40yds x 50
2 x 40yds x 90
I pushed this across two "courts," on the inside of the indoor track, which I estimated to be around 40 yards. I was pretty gassed by the end. From now on, conditioning will happen after my bench and lockout sessions.

Training wise, I'm not going to change my basic template. I think my training was just fine last time around since I was able to hit some good weights before the meet. I may change around some of my assistance exercises a bit.

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