Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brian (7/11) - Sheiko37:w1d1

Weight is 170. Woooo!

Been doing a lot of running/swimming/ultimate and random lifting as my finger gets better. I didn't realize how long it would take me to get back to even 50%, and every time I tried to "come back" I was just forced to stop by pain. So I haven't been blogging my random lifts.

Running has been going well. I picked up with a club ultimate team that's wayyyy over my skill level (but I knew some people...) and that's been fantastic cardio. 2-3 hours of sprints 3-4 days a week. Ran 10 miles on Sunday. Ran the warrior dash a few weeks back with our fearless lifting captain (becca!) and am signed up for another obstacle course run (Spartan run) in August. Been swimming after my random lifts. Cardio is good!

Somehow I've managed to put on weight with my random lifts even though I've significantly upped my cardio as well, which is a nice bonus.

I'm going to attempt to do Sheiko again. I significantly lowered my maxes (315/260/450) while I rehab, and as I do the workouts if I feel a twinge of too much pain, I will stop. But, this will hopefully go without too many problems. The goal here is not to break world records or even compete any time soon, but simply to make progress (however slow it may be) and enjoy time in the gym again (it's been too long).

The league I play in has games Tuesday/Wed/Thurs nights, so I'll be lifting Mon/Fri nights and probably Wednesday afternoon or morning. I might do a day or 2 on the weekend.

10x45, 5x135, 4x155, 4x155, 3x185, 3x185
3x195 @8
3x195 @8
3x195 @8
3x195 @8
3x195 @8

10x45, 5x135, 5x160, 5x190, 5x190
5x225 @8
5x225 @8
5x225 @9

6x135, 6x155, 6x155, 6x170, 6x170

Was supposed to do 2 more at 170 but didn't want to push it.

Swam 500m after.

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