Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keone (5/16)

Life getting in the way of lifting. My sleep schedule is totally fucked, I spent all weekend writing my thesis, and I have a few more things I have to do before I am free (ETA Wednesday). Today I went to gym for a quick hour of bench (not sure I can afford it, but I wanted to get bench in because I feel like I have been making pretty consistent volume progress) and ended up failing pretty miserably.

170x5, 4, 3
[Supposed to do 5, 3, 2, so this is good. Or is it my downfall?]

145x5 x10
Tried a couple more sets and got 3 or 4, but it was pretty clear I was done. I felt sick to my stomach (energy drinks?) and during the sets I never really felt like I set my traps/tightened my chest properly.

I'll be back on Wednesday.

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