Monday, May 16, 2011

Frank (5/16): Sheiko CMS/MS Prep 1, Week 2, Day 1

I got to the Z quite late and ended up doing this session in around an hour. Take that, Sheiko!

5x45, 5x95
5x145, 4x175, 3x200, 3x200, 3x230, 3x230, 3x230
2x245 @ 8
2x245 @ 8
2x245 @ 8

5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 4x275, 3x315, 3x315
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8+
3x365 @ 8+

4x160, 4x185
4x215 @ 7
4x215 @ 7
4x215 @ 7
4x215 @ 8

Dumbbell Fly: 5x10 @ 35
Ab Rollout: 6, 7, 7
Oddly enough, my shoulders can't seem to handle being held straight out during rollouts (they pop oddly), so I had to kind of kink them in. Strange. Maybe I need to do more external rotation work. I've never had a serious shoulder injury before, and I'd rather not experience one.

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