Saturday, May 7, 2011

Frank (5/7): Meet Results, AAU Raw Nationals

The stars were semi-aligned today.

192.5 kgs (424.4 lbs) - 3 whites
205 kgs (451.9 lbs) - 2 whites
I didn't actually realize I got a red until Ying told me well after the attempt itself. I suspect it's because I good-morninged it quite atrociously.
212.5 kgs (468.5 lbs) - 3 reds
This went straight down and stayed there.

130 kgs (286.6 lbs) - 3 whites
A little slow.
135 kgs (297.6 lbs) - 3 reds
Lost it at the same place as always (a few inches off the chest).
135 kgs (297.6 lbs) - 3 reds
Same thing.

255 kgs (562.2 lbs) - 3 whites
270 kgs (595.2 lbs) - 3 whites
285 kgs (628.3 lbs) - 3 whites
Same old. Same old. :)

My total was 620 kgs (1366.9 lbs), which is a healthy improvement over my last meet and the most I've ever totaled in a single day. I also set a squat meet PR, a bench meet PR in this fed (with the longer pauses), and an all-time deadlift PR. My third squat and bench attempts were long shots anyway, so this went about as well as I could have wanted without a miracle happening.

The rest of the gang did quite well. Xiao went 147.5/90/190 for a 427.5 total, Michael (Longfei) went 162.5/100/200 for a 462.5 total, and Sheng went 205/152.5/255 for a 612.5 total. Thanks also to Ying for coming along as photographer and moral support.

The competition for this meet was really great with over 40 competitors total across all weight classes (all raw). There were lots of amazing lifters, but two of the highlights were a 140+ guy who went roughly 730/460/710 (in lbs) for an enormous 1900+ raw total and an HBS professor(!) who went roughly 520/370/600 at 90. For those of you who didn't go...I think you missed out! This was definitely one of the best meets -- in terms of competition and atmosphere -- that I've been to.


  1. Congrats to all four of you! Awesome accomplishments on all fronts.

  2. Thanks Keone! I think we were all pleased with the results.
