Friday, May 13, 2011

Frank (5/13): Sheiko CMS/MS Prep 1, Week 1, Day 3

Hm, Blogger seems to have lost a few posts. I remember there being more. Ah well.

This was pretty quick, less than 2 hours. It could have been even shorter, but I wasted a little time just wandering around and resting when I didn't really need to.

5x45, 5x95
5x145, 4x175, 3x200, 3x200
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8
3x230 @ 8

5x45, 5x135, 5x185
5x225, 4x275, 3x315, 3x315
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8
3x365 @ 8+
3x365 @ 8+
3x365 @ 8+
My form was a bit off on these (favoring my right or left leg). I'm switching back to a thumbs-around grip because I can keep my chest more upright and my back tighter. We'll see how it goes. The new grip is easier on my elbows but harder on my wrists and shoulders.

5x160, 4x185
3x210 @ 7
3x215 @ 7
3x215 @ 7
3x215 @ 7
3x215 @ 7
I misloaded the first set. I can't add. That's why I didn't go to MIT.

Dumbbell Fly: 5x10 @ 35
Standing Cable Crunch: 3x10 @ 100
I smacked myself on the top of the head when pulling the bar toward the back of my neck. I think I'm going to pick another ab exercise to do on this day.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I noticed that too. Apparently they had some downtime and data corruption.
