Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Texas Method + ?

I'm planning on switching to Texas Method but I am interested in trying a more volume-intensive bench program, like the program(s) Sheng posted here. Is there any hope of trying to combine these (doing a TM split for squat/deadlift but following Sheng's thing for upper body)? I know the bench thing seems to be geared toward much more advanced benchers, but I also feel like investing a month or two to try something different can't be the worst thing in the world.

Here is what I would do (ish) if I were just doing TM:

Monday [High Volume/Moderate Intensity]
Squat 5X5
Bench Press 5X5
Power Clean 5X3
Dips 3x8
(Chins 3x10)

Wednesday [Low Volume/Low Intensity]
Front Squat 3X3
Overhead Press 3X3
Chins 3x10

Friday [Low Volume/High Intensity]
Squat 1X5
Bench Press 1X5
Deadlift 1X5

However, sheng's program seems to call for doing a bunch of sets of bench on Monday and Friday (10x5, or maybe 4-6 sets on higher reps on the second program) and doing assistance work (overhead press, incline bench) on Wednesday. So that doesn't seem terribly conflicted with texas method, but it definitely is more stuff when you add in the assistance and the large number of sets.

Here's my port of the second bench program to a google doc:

This is my attempt at what combining them might look like:

Monday [High Volume/Moderate Intensity Legs, become-awesome-like-Sheng bench day 1]
Squat 5X5
Bench Press (varies; see spreadsheet)
Power Clean 5X3
Close-grip bench 4x5
Dips 3x8*

Wednesday [Low Volume/Low Intensity, assistance bench]
Overhead Press 3X3
Front Squat 3X3
Incline Press 4x5
Chins 3x10

Friday [Low Volume/High Intensity, become-awesome-like-Sheng bench day 2]
Squat 1X5
Bench Press (varies; see spreadsheet)
Deadlift 1X5
Butterfly 4x5
Dips 3x8*
*extra reps to failure

Comments, feedback? Am I totally off base here? One thing I was thinking was that this might just be too many exercises at once, in which case I would be down for a four (or even five)-day split. Then I would probably shift the second bench day to not coincide with heavy DL/SQ.

Also, Frank--re: caloric deficit: I know....... not really expecting to make gains right now. This is for after maybe two more weeks of dieting, which I am doing for me (not for Eunice), because I want to be sure that I can cut fat when I decide it's time. I'm actually not on a caloric deficit, but a carbohydrate deficit. (Carbs before/after workout, otherwise basically none.) I know that's probably just as energy-sapping as a caloric deficit, but it might have some different dynamics.

Life is an experiment in progress I guess...


  1. Unless your recovery is really, really good I wouldn't try combining what looks like a bench-intensive program with a program that goes hard and heavy on all lifts. Look at my TM template; with three volume lifts and core work, I took two hours easily to complete workouts. Make no mistake, it gets hard FAST.

    ALSO: I think you're mistaking how fast you progress on TM. ideally, you'll be switching from (once/twice) weekly gains (assuming you bench Mon/Fri one week and Wed. the next) to weekly gains: Sheng's program looks geared towards small monthly gains ala 5/3/1 or even slower. I'd say push the envelope and see how far you get before you need to slow down.

    Just my two cents.

  2. I agree with everything Chris wrote, but as always, if you want to do something, give it a shot and learn from whatever happens.

    Regarding the diet, I know very little about losing fat, but I don't think two weeks is going to make a whole lot of difference. Also, I'm 99% sure that you have the discipline to stick to a diet plan if you decide to do so, so I'm not quite sure what you're trying to prove to yourself.

  3. I tried to use the smolov and this program together once, and found very hard to do high volume of squat and bench on a same day, I had to workout 6 times week in order not to do squat and bench on the same day.
    I think your current plan has too much load on Monday and Friday. And the TM seems deload on Wednesday, while the bench program I used need at least one week of deloading after three weeks training.
    What I did previously was Monday and Friday focus on bench, bench assist and maybe some back; Wednesday for heavy squat(volume), press and inclined bench; Sunday for heavy deadlift and squat assist. I have to deload every three weeks, that seemed worked for me.
