Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brian (3/8) - Sheiko37:w1d1

Starting a new Sheiko program. New Sheiko maxes are:

Squat: 347.50
Bench: 276.25
Deadlift: 462.50

Weight is 169. Argh.

Bench Press
5x140, 4x165, 4x165, 3x195, 3x195
3x205 @7
3x205 @7
3x205 @8
3x205 @8
3x205 @8

5x135, 5x175, 5x210, 5x210
5x245 @8
5x245 @8
5x245 @8
5x245 @9
5x245 @9

Bench Press
6x140, 6x165, 6x165
6x180 @8
6x180 @9
6x180 @9+
6x180 @9+

Curls 3x10 @ 30
Hammer Curls 3x10 @ 20
Tricep Pulldown 3x10 @ 60
Cable Machine Fly 3x10 @ 50
Standing Lunge 3x10 @ 30

Frank (Jon): The number convention I'm using goes roughly like this...

5 - Hardly any weight (light warmup)
6 - Speed sets / Other warmup
7 - 3+ reps left
8 - 2-3 reps left
9 - 1 rep left
10 - 0 reps left

Is this what you're using? Do we differ at all?


  1. I like that... something like the intensity rating is R = (10 - #repsleft). However in our world of lifting I feel there are a lot of times when you may not have another rep, but there is still a lot of variation in how easy it is. That's basically the +/- I guess?

  2. All this discussion is nice, but realistically, unless you're implementing fatigue stops in your training, the numbered RPE system doesn't really have much more practical value than "wow, that was really hard, " or "easy peasy."

    Certainly, if your training is at a point where your RPE's vary up and down during your working sets then quite simply you derive virtually zero benefit from using the RPE system. In a case such as this, strength usually isn't the issue as much as technique.

  3. @Shanker: I addressed this on Jon's post, so we can discuss that there.

    @BJ: I use the RPE scale from the RTS notebook (see Nathan's notes on the sidebar). Sure, you can use your own scale, which is fine as long as you're consistent, but for the sake of easy communication, it's probably best to stick to the same one. Seeing as the rest of the powerlifting world uses the RTS scale, I would really stick with that. No need to make up your own vocabulary just to be different... :)

  4. Oh, and Jon, that's roughly how I use it. The + or - is basically because sometimes I'm not 100% sure about the number, so I hedge a bit. The number is my best guess, and the + or - shows whether I think it *might* be a bit higher or lower.

    And 10+ is just me being awesome :).

  5. @Frank - Does that mean the one I posted is wrong? I didn't mean to make one up, I was just posting the scale as I understood it.

    @Shanker - I disagree for 2 reasons. First, because we do use our performance (i.e. RPE) during a cycle to adjust the numbers post cycle. Second, for communication, especially about technique.

  6. @Frank - Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I didn't see your comment about Nate's RTS note. Thanks for that. I found the table:

    10 Maximal.
    9 1 rep left.
    8 Not fast, but not a struggle. 2-4 reps left.
    7 Fast with maximal force. “Speed weight.”
    6 Light speed work.
    5 Warm-up weight.
    4 Recovery weight.
