Tuesday, February 1, 2011

5/3/1 Cycle 4 Plan

Way overdue.

Weights for Cycle 3:
BP: 195
Squat: 395
Deadlift: 450
Military Press: 140

- Bench press work was easy. Intensity gets upped.
- Squat was hard, but with a training 1RM close to my actual predicted 1RM, this is to be expected.
- Deadlift felt much harder, but brought rep ranges down to reasonable levels.
- Military press felt about par for the course.
- Prowler work is very fun! I feel like these should be left for Saturday because I don't really want to do anything after...
- My right shoulder hurt coming into last cycle's 5/3/1 week. I wonder if this is because of the extra press work or barbell complexes...?

So, new weights for Cycle 4:
BP: 205 (+10)
Squat: 400 (+5)
Deadlift: 455 (+5)
Military Press: 145 (+5)

For training maxes of:
BP: 194.75 (taking 95% here, 90% everywhere else)
Squat: 360
Deadlift: 409.5
MP: 130.5

Bench Press: Dumbbell Rows, Military Press, Dips if I have time
Squat: Snatch-grip Deadlift
Deadlift: Front Squat
Military Press: Chinups, Bench Press

Barbell complexes on Monday and Thursday. Sprint work or Prowler work on Wednesday and Saturday.

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