Thursday, January 20, 2011

Article on Tendinosis vs Tendonitis for Shanker

I know its on, but you can also google 'tendinosis vs tendonitis'.

Also for Frank and anyone who has elbow problems. I'm starting to get a little aggravation too.


  1. Someone posted this on a private forum I frequent. I don't know if I can edit my original post.

    So I hyperextended my elbow last Tuesday am, I was alittle bombed, tried to open a window that i thought was stuck by keeping my arm straight and using it as a lever to pry it open, turned out it was locked, and i heard a noise like a towel ripping in my arm, followed by pain in my forearm/bicep area.

    Hartzell has written a book, called Don't Ice that Ankle Sprain. In it, he claims the worst thing for musclar-skeletal injurites is rest and ice.(The RI in RICE). He believes blood flow to be the fastest way to healing so long as its not fractured or dislocated. He is aggressive in his movements and force applied to the injured area.

    There was no swelling, discoloration, deformatities, and i have some ROM. So me having the same medical credentials as Dr. Van Nostrand (Kramer) i figured it wasn't broken...and i figured if it was doing some band shit would make it hurt more and then i'd go get it x-rayed.

    So i did some arm distraction with a miniband hooked up to my arm from a horizontal plane (hooked up to a pipe) and vertical plane (hooked up to my foot).i did some various movements with my wrist and arm following Hartzell's general advice if you feel pain work to another position where there is no pain. Then i hooked up the end to the crook of my elbow and did some flexion movements, looped it the other way and faced my arm in the other direction and did some more flexion movements.

    Pain did reduce and my pain free ROM did increase.

    Next session i will move up to a monster-mini band maybe if it all feels right. Hartzell uses an average band on his sprained ankle strengthening movements which is a pretty srtong band.

    Anyway just thought i'd share this experience.

    It worked...everytime my elbow hurt i'd exercise it/did some guerrilla band distraction and it felt better. Its possible if i had just rested that whole time it would've got better anyway but i was able to do some training as well as training the injured muscles directly. So my philosophy from here on in is...if its not ice and bloodflow thru distraction, flexibility, and strength training.

  2. Thanks Aaron, I appreciate it. In general though, I would be very careful with self diagnosis. Most of you have health insurance through MIT, if you have persistent problems SEE A DOCTOR. Make use of the resources you have, a medical opinion, particularly from a specialist (in my case a sports orthopedist specializing in the elbow and arm area) means infinitely more than anything you can find online on your own.

  3. Also, I'm not 100% sure where Aaron ends and the poster he mentione begins...either way I feel zero qualm in saying that if you're dumb enough to try to "lever" open a locked window with your deserve whatever injury you sustain. sympathy for outright stupidity.

  4. Well, I just want to make two points:
    1. I think RICE works. I use it indiscriminately for minor muscle pulls, and it's awesome. For tendon and joint problems, I'm less sure, and you should probably see a doctor. However, even for muscle pulls, the conventional wisdom is only to ice at the beginning when swelling is a problem, then to lightly exercise the muscle to get the blood flowing. He seemed to have skipped the icing part. How big of a deal is it? Honestly, I don't know, but I certainly feel better after using it.
    2. Seriously, levering a window open with your arm? Couldn't he have gotten a stick or something?

  5. I dont care if what he did works or not, he tried to open a locked window using his locked elbow as a fulcrum. This immediately renders his opinion on anythinng short of performing jackass stunts null and void.

    Don't care if he is strong...Lenny was strong, look how that turned out (yes, I'm throwing in a John Steinbeck reference just for shits and giggles). See an least you know they were smart enough to get through 4 years of college and 4 years of med school. If I'm ever interested in sticking my elbow up my ass or licking an electrical socket then I'll look at what this dude has to say.

    In the meantime, the elbow specialist I saw recommends ice, ibuprofen, resting and stretching. Wonder which one I'll go with...
