Friday, January 14, 2011

Shanker 5/3/1 Cycle 4 Deadlift & Squat Days and Postmortem


Lots more squatting after this, probably another 10 sets at 225, 275 and 315.

Deadlift (dug up my camera, will take video of squats too next cycle. Links to vids)
(grip didn't fail, that was me realizing I didn't have the velocity or the lower back positioning to lock it out without hitching, so I bailed.)

Mid-Shin Pull
545x1 (yes, that really is 545...didn't really feel like it though)

There are only two things that I want to address.

First, saw the orthpedist, my left elbow problem is basically severe tendinitis, a combo of both tennis elbow and golfer's elbow. I'm still not entirely sure that this 100% of the explanation, but I haven't pressed in 2 weeks and won't try until I finish this deload week. I'm icing on anti-inflammatories and doing rehab stretches as told my doctor. Let's see... I'll probably start with the weight from 1 or 2 cycles ago and just see how things go. Also, I'll be doing away with military press day (haven't MP in over a month anyway because of this) for the short term future. I bought elbow sleeves as well, as they seemed to have helped Frank. I guess it'll just save wear and tear, and they kinda look cool.

Second, I basically took this cycle as a sort of squatting exploration, and have come to the following conclusions.
1)Widen stance, slightly wider than shoulder width. Now I don't have to go ass to grass to hit depth, I'm not sure how my stance got so narrow...but there it is.
2) I'm a low bar squatter, pretty damn low, as in just below the bulge of my rear delts. I do believe this was my original bar placement, but when I widened my grip, I lost upper back tension and hiked the bar up to compensate. Either that, or I lose tension, the bar slips and I miss my rack in spectacular fashion (2 weeks running now...) For now, I'll keep my grip wide until I go above 315, then bring it in about 2 inches and judge if any of the pain I used to have comes back.
3) Nike Romoleos rock. If you have giant freak feet (specifically size 16.5 and above) you might be able to find a pair on the cheap (like 60 bucks) and they're completely worth it.


  1. Deadlifts looked smooth, but why are you looking to the side? No need to showboat here. I think we all know a good lift when we see it :).

    The way I see sleeves is that they take pressure off the soft tissue in around my elbow joint, which gives it time to heal while still allowing me to train. I've also been stretching my pecs and shoulders more diligently as I'm pretty sure that my problem came from being sloppy while doing squats. Since I've started using sleeves, my elbows have pretty much completely healed up, and I can train (even heavy) without them, but I still wear them just to be safe.

    And also because they look cool.

  2. Not showboating. Expressing emotion. I lift because I like it, doing well makes me happy, erego I express it...I'll never be as stoic as some, that's why I'm me and not someone else.

    As for the sleeves, thanks for the background.

  3. Hey Shanker, what also might be contributing to your elbow pain is your low bar back squatting. It seems that you are using your arms to stabilize the bar, which is a huge load when your squatting 300+, especially for reps. Ever consider going oly style for a while?

    Also, what about curls for prehab? Maybe that would help your elbow.

    Anyway, those deadlifts are really impressive. Congrats on sticking it through and making progress on 5/3/1.

  4. @Aaron I've tried high bar squats, my leverage just isn't there. When I go heavy it turns right into an ugly goodmorning. I suppose if worse comes to worse I might have to switch to that, but I'll try to exhaust all my options using low bar first. But your point is well taken and you're right as far as this refers to my radial nerve problem from this summer. My current tendinitis seems purely pressing related.

    As for curls, this is a good call. I will add it next cycle, just a little arm work since I haven't really done anything of the sort in over a year.

