Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Goals

Power-lifting goals for 2011:
Bench Press: 250, current 235
Squat: 365, current 320
Deadlift: 420, current 408

This would increase my current total  from ~960 to 1035.  I think this is a very realistic goal and could be exceeded if I avoid injury, but something that I should be excited to accomplish.

I would like to get up to 170 pounds bodyweight, which would let me cut a little to make the 165 weight class.  I am currently 163 in the morning.

I would also like to swim once a week for 30 minutes, do running workouts targeting distances of 50-1000m once a week and become more proficient at kettlebell, gymnastic, and crossfit style techniques.


  1. Those all sound very reachable. You'll hit those in no time.

    I'm curious about the kettlebell/gymnastic/Crossfit-style (?) stuff though. Is that just to throw in there every once in a while to see if you can do it? I kind of like doing muscle ups, planches, and front levers just for the hell of it. I'm not sure what you mean by the Crossfit-style stuff though. That's mainly just a mishmash of Olympic lifting and gymnastics, AFAICT.

  2. I think you can lose five pounds easily through water manipulation. You won't even need to dehydrate yourself and have it affect performance.
