Sunday, December 19, 2010

sheng (12/19) lower

Today I did I few light weight squat and than tested my max for deadlift, after resting for a week (actually more because of the finals). I can't keep my back straight when it's too heavy, but I managed to lock out. Add up 20 pounds to my PR. Frank did two reps for this weight, I video taped both:


  1. Thats strong Sheng, but they would red light you for those hitches.

  2. Well, his 561 from before was hitched too, so it's still a 20lb PR :). Regardless, this is really strong, and if we manage to bully him into competing, I'm sure we can clean up his technique so he doesn't get red-lighted.

  3. ehhh, I dunno Frank...I'm not trying to dismiss Sheng by any means as I've adopted the more zen approach of "if it works for you, then roll with it." But as far as form goes, that's basically a pure rounded back pull and that's how you rip up your lower back and send yourself to the hospital (I would know). At least for us normal human beings.

    I'm just being honest when I say that I think cleaning up his technique will require a lot of work and a huge ego check.

    But hey, if competition isn't in his goals and he can survive this, let him roll with it. But for you younger lifters out there...don't do it like this.

  4. @Frank: I just watched the vid. I think you lost your grip because there was a slight hitch on the second rep, which put additional strain on the grip. Don't hitch. (Grip work isn't a terrible idea though, but don't be crazy.)

    @Sheng: Nice strongman pull! I don't see anything fundamentally wrong from a lifting perspective, even if that wouldn't have passed at a PL meet. Good shit.

    @Shanker: If you want to see something that will make you cringe, watch Scott Yard deadlift. Heck, even my buddy Brent is way 'worse' than this.

  5. @Nate "Strongman pull." Good compromise.

    @Sheng Never said this wasn't impressive or strong as hell. Well done.

  6. @Nate: Yup, I definitely see the hitch now. Damn. I need to work on that.

    @Shanker: Actually, I agree as far as the injury prevention part goes. I'll bring it up with Sheng the next time I see him, though long term, I think that cleaning up his form will actually lead to him lifting even bigger weights. In the end, though, it really is whatever lets you lift the most weight (that can pass in whatever competition you choose without injury).

  7. Self-proclaimed grip guru: Did I hear someone say grip work?

  8. @Shanker: Thanks for you suggestion, I think I do need to correct my form, injury free is the most important thing for me.
    @Nate: Thank you very much, I think I need to work on my form in order to pull heavier weight, it will do me good in the long run.
    @Frank: When I came back from mome next semester, I think I need to learn the deadlift techniques from you.
