Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Frank (12/8): Squat, Low Intensity 1

My back was feeling a little wonky all day yesterday and today, plus I wasn't feeling great overall.

Back Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315, 1x365, 1x405
Went down and stayed there.
I couldn't even unrack this one.

I decided to shut it down after this. Days like this have always been the ones where I've managed to injure myself somehow, so I didn't want to risk it.

5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 5x365, 5x405
I felt better after this than before, surprisingly enough.

Ab Rollout: 2x6
Round-Back Deadlifts: Lots

Based on this, I think I'm going to take deload days for my squat and deadlift sessions this week while keeping my bench sessions roughly the same. I've been hitting some good PRs (weight and RPE-wise) on bench, so I think that I'll be fine. I'll return with week 2 of intensity as normal if I feel that I've recovered well enough.

What went wrong this cycle? I think it's mainly a problem with my deadlifts. I went way overboard on the percentages and ratcheted up the intensity on the reverse band pulls too much. Intensity wise, I think that my loads for bench and squat were about right, but overloading on deadlifts affected everything else adversely. Something to keep in mind for next time.


  1. Awe, come one Frank. Don't become a bench only guy...

  2. Hah, this is just temporary. I miss deadlifting already.
