Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chris - 12/26

5/3/1 Deload...?

Military Press:
45x5; 60x5; 70x5; 80x3; 95x2; 105x1
110x6; 100x7; 90x8; 80x9; 70x10

Deadlift (unbelted):
140x5; 175x5; 215x3
260x3; 285x2; 315x1; 345x1; 365x1; 385x1
335x5; 310x5; 285x5; 260x5; 235x5

Chinups (unweighted):
10; 9; 9; 7; 7

Front Squat:
My arms were too pumped from chinups to do these with any good form at all...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's hard to do front squats while you're all swole and stuff.
