Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chris - 11/9

5/3/1, Wave C, Squat

Yesterday was bad. Computer died and I spent from 10-4AM tearing down, testing and rebuilding. Obviously missed military press day, but I'll do that tomorrow, then do the bench day on Friday and deadlift Saturday.

Back felt pretty funky, but I spent six hours or so hunched over my computer chassis so there you go. Was also really tired because I ended up going to sleep at 6AM. Sigh.

With the excuses out of the way, here's the start of the peak cycle:

Squat (belted):
Warmup: 45x5; 140x5; 175x5; 210x3
Bad, but expected. I could probably have busted out another two reps on a good day.

Squat (unbelted, assistance):
192x10; 192x10; 192x10
I really didn't feel like doing five sets.

Hang Snatch (lbs):
55x10; 55x10; 55x10; 55x10; 55x10
Some were full snatches when I forgot I was supposed to be doing hang snatches.


  1. Why in God's name did you stay up that late? It couldn't have been for schoolwork because if something like that happened to me, I'd be at the computer lab in a heartbeat...

  2. 1) I like having a functional desktop.
    2) I needed said desktop to function so I could recover some data for a friend (specifically, a pre-lab report due today) whose laptop had failed.
    3) I've been going to sleep at 6:00AM more often than not the last few weeks, which explains why I post my training logs at like 2-3:00AM. I have a really funky sleep schedule.

  3. Been there, all of junior year actually. There was a period of a month where I never saw the sun...

    Incidentally, lifting at 8 PM became the equivalent of lifting at 9 or 10 AM for a normal person. Isn't MIT fun?
