Friday, October 15, 2010

Aaron (10/15)

Belted Oly Squats: 325lbs x3, 330lbs x3, 335lbs x3 @9
Plate Pinches: 3 plates x15sec x5 sets
Wide Grip Pull-ups: +75lbs x3reps x3sets (+ 1 fail) @10
Un-belted Deficit Fat bar Deadlifts: 250lbs x5 reps x3 sets @10
DB rows: 100lbs x5 reps x2 sets, 100lbs x10 reps @10
rotator cuff stuff

Oly Squats were awesome, there was a dude I'll write about later who was doing bottom postion squats with 335, and this just pumped me up so much that I just kept adding weight. That and the 16oz coffee before hand and the thought of the deload kept me going. However, the last two sets might not have been to depth, or at least they felt higher than the first set, I need a training partner or at least a video recorder...

Pull-ups were also awesome, I got a significantly bigger ROM than last time, minimal shoulder discomfort and, I added some weight.

Deficit deads were on a normal bumper plate, and they were much harder. I realize I have not been accurately counting the plates, which I blame on the fat bar weighing not 45lbs, so I have to recalculate the other numbers for previous deficit deads. These weren't constant tension, I had to re-grip several times, unlike previously, it might be because of the plate pinches, but these were kind of hard.

DB rows were hard, I had to hook some of the last set; in the last set I told myself "screw this grip only stuff, I'm getting 10 reps, all bets are off."

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