Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Frank (9/28): Squat, Volume 1

Back Squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
5x350 @ 8
5x350 @ 8
5x350 @ 9
5x350 @ 9
5x350 @ 9
Not easy. Not hard. I had to squat facing a mirror, so my technique was a little bit off.

Power Clean (kg)
5x70, 5x80

Oly Squat: 4x8 @ 235
Ab Rollout: 3x6

The plan commences. I'm actually quite liking the "true volume" portion, since I'm no longer dreading my 5x5 days.

I'm making two minor adjustments to my previous plan. I'm substituting power cleans for deficit deadlifts on Tuesdays because Tuesdays were kind of a throwaway deadlift day anyway, and Shae Jones says they help his deadlift, and I like to power cleans, so pbbbt. I'm also doing speed squats on Saturday using the RTS template (so 6x2 @ 6-7 (60% or so) and 2 @ 9 (90% or so)) instead of pause squats. Pause squats will return for the intensity weeks.

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