Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chris - 9/16, 9/18

9/16: TM - Recovery (Deload)
Squat (unbelted):
45x5; 95x4; 135x3; 185x2
225x5; 225x5

Military Press:
45x5; 65x4; 80x3; 95x2; 110x1
120x3; 120x3; 120x3

+0x5; +0x8; +0x8; +0x8

9/18: TM - Intensity (Deload?)
Speed sets.

45x5; 95x5; 135x4; 185x3; 225x2; 275x1; 315x1; 345x1
1 minute rest between sets. Counting sets is really hard! The last five were done belted, and they were all really fast.

Bench Press:
45x5; 70x5; 90x4; 120x3; 140x2; 165x1; 180x1; 180x1
1 minute rest between sets. Got good advice from Nate on bench setup (namely, I should stop resting my butt on the bench). All sets felt nice and fast, especially on the actual pressing motion.

135x5; 185x4; 225x3; 275x2; 315x1; 345x1; 375x1; 385x1
Again, one minute of rest between sets.

Back to the grind.

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