Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aaron (9/19)

Push Press: 155lbs x3, 160lbs x3, 165lbs x3 RPE @7
Dips: 15lbs x7, 25lbs x7, 35lbs x8 RPE @ 8
Lateral Raises: 30lbs x8 reps x3 sets RPE @8
Hanging Leg Raises: 7, 6, 5 RPE @7

Push Press was really easy. Leg drive carried the weight on all but the last set. It ended up looking like a jerk. Dips were harder.

I hope I got the RPE thing right:
10 = couldn't do anymore
9 = 1-2 in the tank
8 = 3-4
7 = ...

Those are all that really matter anyway. Switching to 3x3's on my main lifts. I have a problem regulating intensity. I'm always on the low side it seems. I never pushed my main lifts, just had them go up slowly. I have yet to find the balance.


  1. @9 implies 1 more
    @8 implies 2 more
    @7 implies anything less than this and should be used for speed work and other training designed with keeping intensity in check.

  2. Shanker is almost right, but a more accurate description appears in the RTS manual. Nate summarized some stuff here:

    Remark: Since RPE 8 means that 2-4 reps are left, some people like to use 8.5. This way, 8 = 3-4 left and 8.5 = 2-3 left.
