Sunday, August 15, 2010

Frank (8/15): Lockout, Volume 1

Reverse Band Press
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275
4x325 @ 10
4x315 @ 9
4x315 @ 9
4x315 @ 9/10
4x315 @ 9/10
4x315 @ 9/10
I took the safety bars down by two notches, and I wasn't prepared for the increase in difficulty. I scaled back the weight a little for the last five sets to compensate for this difference. I don't know what the bands take off anymore, but whatever, this was a pretty reasonable weight.

Close-Grip Bench
5x135, 3x185
4x225 @ 9
4x225 @ 9
4x225 @ 9
4x225 @ 9/10
4x225 @ 9/10
4x225 @ 9/10

Pullups: 4x8 @ 30
Dips: 8x70, 7x70, 8, 8
Ah, screw it. I cut it way too close to failure on my pressing days.

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