Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aaron (8/10)

Overhead Press: 130lbs x5 reps x3 sets
Dips: +30lbs x5 reps
+35lbs x5 reps x2 sets
Decline sit ups: +25lbs x12reps
+30lbs x12 reps x2 sets

Overhead Press was tough until the last set, when I blasted out the reps thanks to the stretch reflex similar to TNG bench. Dips were fine. I'm having trouble deciding which exercises to prioritize on my Overhead Press day. Because I don't really wan't an OP day. Or rather, I don't know if I should instead have a Jerk day, Push Press day, or Incline day. I kind of want one with the most carry over to other exercises. I don't think it matters in the long run, but should I put OP on the assistance list anyway? The main thing is I don't want to get off of OP to do incline or Dips, as a main, then come back and discover I have a shitty OP again. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I'd definitely pick OP over incline or dips as the centerpiece movement of a workout, but to answer your question, you'd have to ask yourself why you're OP in the first place.
