Sunday, July 25, 2010

Frank (7/25): Lower

Back Squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
5x355 @ 9
5x355 @ 9/10
5x355 @ 1e10
The first set was fine. The second set was iffy. The third set was a travesty. I completely lost pressure on rep four and had to muscle the weight up. I then did one last rep (cuz I had to, y'know) which was the ugliest squat I've ever done, though it wasn't that slow, at least. I guess it's good to know that I'm strong enough to muscle up the weight when my form falls apart, but it's probably best not to let that happen in the first place.

5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455
5x485 @ 9
5x485 @ 9/10
5x485 @ 10
Last one was tough.

Ab Rollout: 3x4

So I'm pretty much back to where I was before, which means that starting Thursday, I'll be on my official plan. I'll follow the plan from my previous post with two minor modifications. (1) I'll be sticking in a Texas Method progression between the Starting Strength and RTS progressions. (2) I'm changing up the overall RTS progression a bit so I'm not pushing it every week. So here's what it looks like.

Thursday: volume squat, deadlift assistance, maybe other squat assistance, abs
Friday: RTS bench, bench assistance
Sunday: intensity squat, RTS deadlift, maybe other squat assistance, abs
Monday: RTS lockout, lockout assixtance

RTS will be volume/intensity in 3-week blocks following a medium (6x4)/heavy (5x5)/light (5x5)/heavy (3)/medium (2)/heavy (1) system.

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