Thursday, July 1, 2010

Frank: Planning

Here are some quick thoughts about how I'm going to train after coming back. I'd appreciate any feedback from those who take the time to read it.

My main goal is still to train the big three. I'm hoping to hit Elite at 181 (1396) by the end of the year. A reasonable breakdown for that would be something like upper 400s, lower 300s, lower 600s (say 480, 300, 620, at least).

Based on the last meet, I think I need to do more heavy squats, more heavy bench, and more bench lockout work. The thinking behind squats is that based on my not-too-hard triple at 405, I should have been good for at least 440-450 or so and shouldn't have gotten stapled, as I did. For bench, the evidence is in the videos.

I'll kind of use the RTS template, but I'm going to deviate from it by quite a bit, as I will outline below. I'll explain the parenthetical notes in a second. I'm actually not sure what I'm going to do for the TBD portions, since it's been a while since I've done assistance work. One option is just to toss them and take up knitting in the extra time, or something.

Day 1: Squat 1
Back Squat (Starting Strength/RTS Volume -> RTS Intensity)
Deadlift assistance, TBD (Deficit deadlifts)
Squat assistance, TBD (Front squats, or skipped)
Abs (heavy, i.e. ab rollout)

Day 2: Bench
Bench Press (Starting Strength/RTS Volume -> RTS Intensity)
Military Press (Starting Strength/RTS Volume -> RTS Intensity)
Bench assistance (lower), TBD (Dips, though that's more lockout, maybe incline presses)
Lats (probably cable rows)

Day 3: Squat 2
Back Squat (Starting Strength/RTS Volume -> RTS Intensity)
Deadlift (RTS Volume -> RTS Intensity)
Squat assistance, TBD (Front quads are weak, or skipped)
Abs (light, i.e. ab pulldown)

Day 4: Lockout
Close-grip bench (Starting Strength/RTS Volume -> RTS Intensity)
More lockout work, TBD (band/board presses)
Even more lockout work, TBD (dips)
Lats (probably pullups)

I'm breaking up the months into volume/intensity months (3 weeks) with a deload week in between. For volume, I will try to milk linear progression for as long as I can (hence, Starting Strength), and once that stops working, I'll switch to RTS Volume. Intensity will be according to RTS.

I'll actually be incommunicado for a few days, but I'll come back to flesh this out when I can.


  1. This looks pretty good to me. It's good to set challenging goals, but I am not sure that a 480 squat will happen this year. Now prove me wrong.

  2. Oh, I guess you didn't fill in assistance, and I'm sure you will do this anyway: keep the assistance closely tied to the big 3 (good mornings, rack pulls, board press, close grip, etc.) unless you have a particular reason for doing something else.

  3. Looks like a very good plan, but I'm not sure what SS means in the volume block. Linear progression here can quickly turn into near-maximal 5's.

    Also, based on your meet DLs, you still have some room to spare here. I won't be surprised if you will be pulling 630-640 within a year or so, which could turn the more difficult (intuitively) 480 squat goal into 460 or so. Just throwing around some numbers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with Danny completely. You have to be very careful with linear progression and remember the purpose of a volume block. Also, deadlifts.

  6. You guys are right. Still, maximal 5s is different form maximal 1s to 3s, so it's still worth doing, I think. To be honest, I doubt I have more than a few weeks left of linear progression left anyway (I'm pretty much stalled for linear progression on benching), so SS will be just for the first block (maybe), and probably not for the latter ones.

    And yeah, 480 is aggressive for squats, but hey, I've always set unrealistic squat goals. Why change now? =)

  7. Goals are goals. You can't really judge someone else's goals. Guarantee you no one thought you'd pull 600+ at this time last year. Aim high.

  8. Actually, Shanker, a minor correction: I can judge. Everyone is dumb. I am the best. The end.
