Saturday, January 16, 2010

Patrick: 1/16/2009 Intensity Deadlifts

Warmup: 3x135, 3x185, 2x225
Working: 1x255, 1x285 (10 lb PR), 2xfailx295

The deadlifts went well, but not quite like I hoped. The 285 is a nice improvement, but I was able to triple 275, my old PR, last week. So it seemed like 295 should have been there, but it wasn't. Rene believes I'm reaching CNS exhaustion from intensity week, given how strong my improvements were for triple weeks at the beginning of this intensity round.

After discussions, I need to work on setting up faster and possibly sitting down less. Finally, Brian and I tend to fail on the bottom, so we plan to replace our rack pulls with deficit deadlifts.

Warmup: 2x85, 2x135, 1x185
Working: 1x225, 1x245 (high, didn't count), 1x245, failx255

The successful 245 was a great fight to the finish. I believe I actually stopped halfway up and managed to get moving again. Added on top of an otherwise tough day, I'm pleased with the strong lift to end it up.

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